Design and Art Direction for the annual IOIC Awards 2015

The IOIC Awards is an annual event with the purpose of recognising and rewarding companies and individuals that have made a significant contribution to the internal communications industry and to celebrate these successes. In 2015 I was the designer from 20/20 Productions in charge of the event branding and the theme chosen was a storybook/fairytale look and feel, as this tied into the decor of the venue (The Hub, Edinburgh) and also related strogly with the idea of communications being a form of storytelling. As part of this project, I designed the logo, branding, brochure, menus, table numbers, digital signage, presentation templates, email campaigns and 3 videos to be shown during the event.

  • ClientInstitute of Internal Communications
  • IndustryCommunications
  • ServicesDesign, Digital, Print, Event, Video